Thursday, January 13, 2011

Colorized Comic Book Animation

Animation Reel w/ Paragraph

I picked this Animation Reel by Mark DeRidder because the animations were very clever and well thought out. The "Super Dumb" animation was funny and the other "Various Animations" seemed to have a good story to them. It looks like he took his time to make them look and sound the best that could possibly do. I also like how the "Various Animations" characters looked. They looked very cool and almost human like. I also like this reel because Mark also helped animate a Ghostbusters game which i've played before, which shows that he does a very professional job. I've also seen the commercial that he animated for the Jeep Rubicon on TV and at the time I saw it, it looked that it took a long time to complete and he did an excellent job on it.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Frame by Frame Animation

Frame by Frame Movie

A short frame by frame video telling a story. The story of this animation is Hello and Goodbye as described by the music. My hands wave hello when i appear and goodbye when i start to disappear again. I have about 110 pictures in the whole video and some of them are a little out of order but you can still get the gist of the video.